Large rugs

Ethically-woven large rugs add a touch of style and contemporary flair to any living room or kitchen.

All Rugs Runners Wool Rugs Jute Rugs Grey Rugs


Oversized Rugs

At URBANARA, we strive to always use the highest quality, 100% natural materials in our products, and our collection of oversized large rugs are perfect examples of this. All of our large rugs are made from 100% natural jute, cotton or wool. This stunning collection of large oversized rugs are ideal to suit any home with any unique interior style in mind. With the URBANARA promise you can rest easy knowing your selection of oversized rugs are made of sustainable material that will stand the test of time.

Large Rugs for the Living Room

Whether you’re winding down on your own after a long-day, or you’re inviting friends and family into your living space, oversized living room rugs are the best way of bringing depth and texture to any interior. Large white rugs can create an element of comforting sophistication into any space, and can also pull-in any open spaces to enhance the ultimate warm, comforting feel.

Use a range of colour and design patterns to transform your living space into an inviting hub of sophistication and style, while still staying true to your unique preferences. A range of textures can really enhance the comfort of any room, and large living room rugs are a great way of incorporating much-needed depth into your home interior.

Big Rugs In Different Colours

Large rugs can be bought in a range of colours to match your unique style and design. The overall palette of your interior scheme is the best place to start when choosing a rug colour. Go for neutrals and lighter hues to ground the space and create a sense of harmony, or opt for completely contrasting tones for a unique sense of style. A large white rug, or a large cream rug can be perfect for brightening up dark spaces.

Large Rugs Made From Wool

With its naturally anti-static, hypoallergenic properties, a 100% wool rug does more than help your home look and feel fresh – it’s also a great choice for those who suffer from certain types of allergies.
The fibres in a pure wool rug, and particularly a large wool rug with undyed wool, can help trap dust and other pollutants that might cause irritation to allergy sufferers. With regular cleaning and care, a large wool rug made from natural fibres can be suitable for allergy sufferers, meaning everyone can enjoy its beauty and benefits in their home.

Shop Large Rugs Online With URBANARA

At URBANARA, our range of large rugs for sale ensures there’s something for every interior space, whether you're looking for a traditional pattern in a flat weave, or a more modern design in plush wool. Our rugs are all made with 100% natural materials of the highest quality, sourced directly from the communities who expertly make them.

Our range of large rugs at URBANARA are designed to bring the utmost in style and quality to your home. Don't forget to add a rug underlay to protect your floor and prevent slipping!

Shopping online with URBANARA offers access to a distinctive and affordable range of home furnishings that you won’t find on the high street. Buying from us also represents great value. Dealing directly with producers helps keep our costs low, allowing us to offer our customers singular and uncommon home accessories at reasonable prices. Plus, to ensure that our customers can buy with total confidence and peace of mind, we offer free 100 day returns on all purchases.


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    At URBANARA, we combine natural materials and careful processing to create timelessly beautiful home accessories.